Eugene Go Club
Meetup Info

About us

Open to players of all skill levels and complete beginners who want to learn! (Feel free to bring a board if you have one!)

We will endeavor to post updates about meeting times/places in our Discord server, and will also try to update the Facebook page and Meetup page, but the Discord will always be up to date and is the best place to get in contact with us.


Q: Are beginners welcome?

Beginners are absolutely welcome! Beginners can find similar level opponents, or play teaching games equalized with handicap stones.

Q: How can we get in contact?

Discord is always up to date and will be the best place to reach someone who can help with any questions. The Discord link is in the Contact Page.

Updated 7/12/2024

Look for the gobans and listen for the clacking of slate and shell. We'll be on the west side near Magpie Coffee.

Daniel Takamori

Wednesday Meetups
5th Street Alley near Magpie Coffee
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm.
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